Cinetic Studios does arts & crafts!
If you ever drive around in Los Angeles you might see those yellow signs on freeway exits or street corners with word(s) and an arrow. The yellow signs typically have a "code word" for a production. For example, the "code word" for Pixar's movie, Up, was Balloons. The "code words" are used so that it is harder for people to find and crash hot film sets.
Ok, so we don't have the budget that these film productions have to order these fantastic signs or the following to require a "code word" (yet). But we do have skills from elementary school to make our own cheap and practical sign.
While the sign may not have been a total necessary thing to spend our time or money on, it makes us happy. Sometimes you need to take a moment and do something that has some instant satisfaction to keep you going during those long hours. Let me tell you, every time I look at our rinky dinky sign, it gives me a little inspiration to keep on going.
How I Made It: I found a yellow plastic sign/board in Home Depot ($4) and printed out all of the characters. Carefully, I cut out all of the letters and then used rubber cement ($3) to put it all together. Ta da! Our own yellow production sign.
-Posted by Jessica